Western Astrology

Natal House Cusp Report/natal_house_cusp_report

The natal_house_cusp_report API provides a report on a particular house cusp in a person's natal chart. The response includes the house number, zodiac sign, degree, and a report on the person's traits and tendencies related to that house cusp.

API Endpoint : natal_house_cusp_report
Method : POST
Full URL :
Supported Languages

Guide:These languages are supported by this API. You can use them by passing Accept-Language header with a value of the language code.

Request Data

ParamsData typeDescriptions

day required

month required

year required

hour required

min required

lat required

lon required

tzone required











date of birth, eg: 10

month of birth, eg: 5

year of birth, eg: 1990

hour, eg: 19

minute, eg: 55

latitude, eg: 19.2056

longitude, eg: 25.2056

timezone, eg: 5.5

Default : "placidus" // koch/topocentric/poryphry/equal_house/whole_sign

Response Data

		"house": 1,
		"sign": "Aquarius",
		"degree": 303.73276,
		"report": "Your window to the world reveals you to be an original, innovative, and somewhat unpredictable individual that enjoys the odd and unusual, the old and the futuristic. You tend to be idealistic and often hold utopian ideas; this can lead you to take on causes that protect individual freedoms, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness. You can count on many varied people to be good friends and companions, and assist in your endeavors whether for business or recreation. Your interests range from such subjects as antiquities and ancient beliefs, to modern science, new inventions, electronics, and computer technology. There is little that can be hidden or with-held from you because of your inquiring mind and innate sense of intuition."
		"house": 2,
		"sign": "Pisces",
		"degree": 346.91614,
		"report": "Matters dealing with the financial side of your life can bring opportunities from a variety of sources, and many of these sources could spring from unknown origins. The success or failure of your financial endeavors would hinge mainly on your own ability to recognize the inherent risks associated with these endeavors. One such risk might occur in not being able to obtain full disclosure about an impending transaction, or not being made aware of all the ramifications once a deal is closed. There could be hidden conditions that if known might cause you to change your mind. It need not be all this mysterious if you avoid rushing into situations before fully checking them out. You are inclined to possess a natural psychic sense that gives you the ability to see through any deception or false front."
		"house": 3,
		"sign": "Aries",
		"degree": 24.48174,
		"report": "You have a strong inclination to build things, or design them, and your studies may lead you to engineering or architectural degrees. Your quick mind often brings visualization of a project, although patience is needed to see it brought to reality. You may be inclined to travel in regard to business, particularly by car. The desire to seek out new places, or investigate old ones, ought to make travel enjoyable, especially when combined with business trips. Relationships with relatives and neighbors can become strained at times, and produce some form of friction. This is often the result of poor communications, or none at all; keep everyone informed, particularly when their interests are involved. Your correspondence may be somewhat irregular at times, especially with routine contacts. Emergencies tend to bring your immediate response."
		"house": 4,
		"sign": "Taurus",
		"degree": 52.81165,
		"report": "You enjoy the comforts of your home, and it is often the social center for relatives and friends. You take special pride in seeing that your life is full of beauty, and tend to surround yourself with flowers and objects of art. Members of the family may fill the house with music, or play various instruments, especially the piano. Your early growing years may have been happy and filled with love by those around you. It is important for your health and well-being that there is peace and harmony within the home, and that your creative projects have a place for open and free expression. The indication is for a long and happy life, and the end is apt to be peaceful."
		"house": 5,
		"sign": "Gemini",
		"degree": 75.88582,
		"report": "You tend to take an intellectual approach to the affairs of the heart. Courtship is a time of discovery in getting to know the other person; communication is important in establishing the bonds of intimacy. Your social life tends to be a whirl, and you like to 'get-around' where the action is happening. Others like to congregate around you because of your easy going and light hearted nature; you are not usually bound by strong emotional needs, and have the ability to think things through in a clear and logical way. The indication is for a small family, or no children at all, although many factors are at work in this area. You are not inclined to take risks where investments are concerned, and you could do well with stocks and bonds, newspapers, and all aspects of computers including networking and software."
		"house": 6,
		"sign": "Cancer",
		"degree": 97.93549,
		"report": "Your sensitive and strong emotional nature bring you into contact with others that need love, understanding, and friendship. It is important that these associations do not drain you of your inner strength and energy. You can become overly concerned about the needs of others that, in the end, often affect your own health. Your over-all well-being is very dependent upon conditions in and around the home; comfort and a sense of security promote peace and contentment. You are susceptible to any discord around you, and this can bring problems with your stomach or bowels, and incline to gastric or intestinal trouble. Domestic issues should never intrude into the work-place, as this will result in loss of productivity. Working with people, such as social work, would be good, as your sensitivity is very keen, although when the day ends, you need to leave your work at the office."
		"house": 7,
		"sign": "Leo",
		"degree": 123.73276,
		"report": "You may begin looking to the idea of marriage at an early age in life, although serious thought on the matter will give caution to any sudden decision. Social standing and community reputation could influence your choice of a mate. You place some importance on marriage to someone within your own ethnic, cultural, and financial circumstances. Although the marital state is subject to the same up and down conditions as many other relationships, you tend to be proud of and loyal to your spouse. This is not to say that you can be treated unfairly or unkindly. As to partnerships in general, it would be prudent to use caution in taking on a partner; ambitious and overly zealous co-partners could create more problems than you would want to deal with."
		"house": 8,
		"sign": "Virgo",
		"degree": 166.91614,
		"report": "The outcome of a will or inheritance may not leave as much as was originally indicated. There may be expenses involved, such as travel and transportation costs, or unexpected litigation. The death of a partner or business associate could bring a restructuring of the labor or management hierarchies. Your hold on life is very strong, and death will undoubtedly come calmly and peacefully. Although it is not feasible to say what manner of death will end the life, the indication by sign suggests problems with the intestines, spleen, and nervous system. There are increased probabilities of contracting disease or injury connected with the work place, or at an industrial site. Of less significance, yet connected with this house is the condition of the partner's money. You can expect accounts to be kept in an appropriate fashion; avoid being overly critical."
		"house": 9,
		"sign": "Libra",
		"degree": 204.48174,
		"report": "There may be few opportunities for long distance travel or visits to foreign countries. For one thing, you would want a companion, and in many cases the companion would be the spouse; this is ok, but often the spouse is the one that determines whether there is any traveling or not. On the other hand, the indication is that you have no burning desire to travel the world anyway, not that you wouldn't if conditions were right. You tend to have a philosophical outlook on life, and you have the knack for adjusting to many changing conditions with little disturbance toward your well balanced nature. Your religious inclinations tend to be with the religion you were raised with, although change is possible, especially if there is a marriage to someone with a different background."
		"house": 10,
		"sign": "Scorpio",
		"degree": 232.81165,
		"report": "One of the more likely places to be involved in any occupation or profession would be near or on the water. Even underwater operations such as marine salvage would be appropriate for this vibration. Another example might be owning or operating a seafood restaurant on fisherman's wharf. You could find your niche in the medical field, especially in a laboratory analyzing specimens, or in doing research on various illnesses. Once you make up your mind about a life work or career, there should be little reason to expect that to change, and you can be very determined to achieve the objectives you set for yourself. You could be drawn to the soft-drink or brewing industry. Other industries include chemical, fertilizer, pesticides, and sprays. A partnership could get in the way of the operation in your own business."
		"house": 11,
		"sign": "Sagittarius",
		"degree": 255.88582,
		"report": "There is great camaraderie among your close friends, and a real inclination to be festive and happy. Participation in games and sports, whether indoors or out, would be conducive to everyone's enjoyment. Spectator sports might have the same appeal with the group coming together either at a stadium, or racetrack, or at home in front of the TV. You might even have some luck betting at the track. You could be certain to find interesting friends traveling abroad, or combining business with travel in a foreign land. You tend to make friends easily, although many of them will come into your life, and then move on in their own time. Your fondest hopes and wishes are apt to change as circumstances assume various priorities, but you can expect your close friends to take an interest and be active in the fulfillment of your goals."
		"house": 12,
		"sign": "Capricorn",
		"degree": 277.93549,
		"report": "Your solid grasp of the realities of life will protect you to some extent when other people attempt to work behind your back to undermine your position or authority. You can be patient and understanding in most cases, and this will nullify chances that resentment or enmity would become a problem. When it does become a problem it is likely to be in the area of work or business, and then because of competition or a desire to advance your career. Although you tend to be tactful and proper, there can develop a sense in other people that you exhibit a certain lack of sensitivity, and this could lead to the conclusion that you are cold and heartless. Of course this is only in the minds of those that think your desire to \"get ahead\" is breaking the rules, and there may not be any rules to begin with."
var api = 'natal_house_cusp_report';
var userId = '<Your User Id>';
var apiKey = '<Your Api Key>';
var language = '<Your Language>' // By default it is set to en
var data = {
  day: 6,
  month: 1,
  year: 2000,
  hour: 7,
  min: 45,
  lat: 19.132,
  lon: 72.342,
  tzone: 5.5,

var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(userId + ":" + apiKey).toString("base64");

var request = $.ajax({
url: ""+api,
method: "POST",
headers: {
    "authorization": auth,
    "Accept-Language": language 

request.then( function(resp){
}, function(err){