Western Astrology

House Cusps Report/house_cusps_report/tropical

The house_cusps/tropical API returns the zodiac sign and degree for each house in a person's natal chart, as well as the ascendant, midheaven, and vertex values.

API Endpoint : house_cusps_report/tropical
Method : POST
Full URL :
Supported Languages

Guide:These languages are supported by this API. You can use them by passing Accept-Language header with a value of the language code.

Request Data

ParamsData typeDescriptions

day required

month required

year required

hour required

min required

lat required

lon required

tzone required











date of birth, eg: 10

month of birth, eg: 5

year of birth, eg: 1990

hour, eg: 19

minute, eg: 55

latitude, eg: 19.2056

longitude, eg: 25.2056

timezone, eg: 5.5

Default : "placidus" // koch/topocentric/poryphry/equal_house/whole_sign

Response Data

		"planet_name": "Sun",
		"house": 5,
		"report": "You have a desire to reveal your creativity, either constructively or destructively. You are interested in all forms of creative self-expression, such as sports, books, acting, the dramatic, games and romance. You have the ability to enjoy life and to give enjoyment to others. Happiness comes from your artistic or creative endeavors. You need to watch a tendency to be dictatorial or to take unnecessary risks."
		"planet_name": "Moon",
		"house": 9,
		"report": "You are a dreamer and muse often about the higher aspects of life. Since you may not be content with the way your life currently is going, you have the desire to search for fresh fields. This search may take you on many long travels, both physically and mentally. Security may be found in a religious or philosophical ideal. Your philosophy of life is what nurtures you and gives you security. You have a variety of interests, in sports, hobbies and studies. You make a stimulating teacher because of your personal interest in the subjects you teach. They are really a part of you and that comes across to those who listen to you. You may have precognitive dreams. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is placed upon the higher mind, the dimensions of philosophy, public mores, religion, law or sharing the reasoning of the public. Issues regarding foreign travel, relocation, even citizenship change are important dimensions to consider in the quest for work conditions that will bring personal success."
		"planet_name": "Mars",
		"house": 4,
		"report": "There is an early striving for independence and a desire for security and a home of your own. There may be tension or antagonism in your family environment. Perhaps you are too demanding of those closest to you. You must overcome your hidden antagonisms and quarrelsomeness. Your strong emotions must be toned down and controlled. Go out and do some yard work to work off the excess energy."
		"planet_name": "Mercury",
		"house": 5,
		"report": "You have a need to prove your intelligence and to use that intelligence in creating things of a mental nature $1652 mental children, as it were. You desire to pass on your knowledge to others and to learn from them as well. Teaching children or young adults may provide quite a lift for you. Games of strategy and skill challenge your intellect. You desire to communicate your thoughts in a clever, inspiring and dramatic manner. You may have acting, writing, or speaking ability. As a teacher, you enjoy stimulating the minds of others and encouraging your students to greater things. Romances probably need to involve someone with whom you can communicate intelligently and relate to mentally. For you, sexiness is in the brain."
		"planet_name": "Jupiter",
		"house": 1,
		"report": "You are generous, optimistic, cheerful, confident, well-intentioned, with good vitality. You probably like outdoor sports and are good at them. This placement brings many opportunities for personal growth and expansion, including a potential weight problem. Your confidence in yourself makes you a good leader and promoter because you have the ability to inspire the faith of others. You can, however, be extravagant, gullible, over-emotional, egotistical or self-indulgent."
		"planet_name": "Venus",
		"house": 5,
		"report": "You are affectionate, creative and attractive to the opposite sex, perhaps too attractive for your own good. You probably have talent in drama, art, or music and these may be your favorite hobbies. Perhaps there is love of the stage and of performing. You might make a delightful and expressive teacher because of your love of children. You certainly enjoy having a good time and people may consider you a party animal. Over-indulgence needs to be watched."
		"planet_name": "Saturn",
		"house": 8,
		"report": "You are a hard worker who is patient and thrifty. You have the capacity for self-discipline and this strong discipline can cause you to deny yourself a social and/or sexual life in your quest for financial security. Transform this desire into seeking soul growth through understanding and wisdom, which can perhaps best be obtained through relating to others in partnership relationships. For what does it profit a man to gain the entire world and lose his own soul$1653. There can also be issues concerning abuse, sex and power. A deep sense of hurt from the past may also be felt. Limitations, obstructions and problems may be experienced with inheritances, other people's money, one's sex life, taxes and insurance. Attitudes toward sex may cause difficulties. A strong sensual nature requires restraint."
		"planet_name": "Uranus",
		"house": 5,
		"report": "You definitely possess creative originality. Your hobbies are unusual and interesting. Your desire for independence may make love affairs and relationships with children unsettling. Your children may be very unique, so much so that neither you nor they can understand the other. You are disinterested in society's social games and are more concerned about your own inclinations. Speculation can get you into trouble — be careful. Sudden gain and sudden loss are possible. Unexpected gains without any effort on your part can come to you, which may generate an attitude within that you just can't lose. Watch out for that. Your love life is unusual, sometimes maybe even wild. Your approach to romance and dating may be somewhat cavalier, unconventional and/or rebellious."
		"planet_name": "Neptune",
		"house": 9,
		"report": "You tend to be idealistic, reverent, mystical and philosophical. You are drawn to ideas that espouse the oneness of all life and the idea of the immortal life of the Spirit. Dreams can be very vivid and possibly prophetic. If carried too far, your religious or metaphysical beliefs could border on fanaticism. Good judgment in these areas can be clouded and confused. Exaggeration can be present. Trouble with in-laws may surface due to lack of compassion and understanding. Be careful who you choose to follow as you may encounter wolves in sheep's clothing. In your travels you prefer to wander around on your own without too much planning or forethought. Strange, unforeseen things can occur while traveling long distances."
		"planet_name": "Pluto",
		"house": 7,
		"report": "Control and power issues along with feelings of ownership are present with the partner or spouse. Cooperation with the mate will need to be learned. A partner may be selected based on that person's ability to stand their ground and not give in. A partner such as this could make the relationship very combative and competitive rather than harmonious and equal-sided. You are inclined to seek a partner who will provide a challenge to discover new resources within yourself that will give you the power to transcend previous performances and to transform certain aspects of your being. A partner who makes you feel growth and intensity is one you seek. There is a tendency to admire well developed will power in others, with the result that you may attract those who tend to dominate you, possibly feeling that if you have to cope with a somewhat overpowering personality you may discover more effectively the full extent of your own resources. There are intense feelings and reactions in your relationships. You have a need to cooperate with others and expect total commitment in your partnerships. Trouble can occur when this same sense of commitment is not felt by the other person in the relationship."
var api = 'house_cusps_report/tropical';
var userId = '<Your User Id>';
var apiKey = '<Your Api Key>';
var language = '<Your Language>' // By default it is set to en
var data = {
  day: 6,
  month: 1,
  year: 2000,
  hour: 7,
  min: 45,
  lat: 19.132,
  lon: 72.342,
  tzone: 5.5,

var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(userId + ":" + apiKey).toString("base64");

var request = $.ajax({
url: ""+api,
method: "POST",
headers: {
    "authorization": auth,
    "Accept-Language": language 

request.then( function(resp){
}, function(err){