Western Astrology

Karma Destiny Report/karma_destiny_report/tropical

The API provides a brief report on a past-life connection with a person. The response contains one of the four possible interpretations of the relationship, which could help individuals understand their bond with the other person better. The interpretations range from learning from each other's unique perspectives to having a strong past-life connection that may not necessarily result in a romantic relationship.

API Endpoint : karma_destiny_report/tropical
Method : POST
Full URL :
Supported Languages

Guide:These languages are supported by this API. You can use them by passing Accept-Language header with a value of the language code.

Request Data

ParamsData typeDescriptions

p_day required

p_month required

p_year required

p_hour required

p_min required

p_lat required

p_lon required

p_tzone required

s_day required

s_month required

s_year required

s_hour required

s_min required

s_lat required

s_lon required

s_tzone required

















eg: 10

eg: 5

eg: 1990

eg: 11

eg: 55

eg: 19.2056

eg: 25.2056

eg: 5.5

eg: 10

eg: 5

eg: 1990

eg: 11

eg: 55

eg: 19.2056

eg: 25.2056

eg: 5.5

Response Data

	"karma_destiny_report": [
		"But trying to impose your own sense of logic onto someone else is not only futile, it's shortsighted. Just because you can't understand their sense of logic doesn't mean they don't have one; it's simply so different from yours that you'll have a hard time getting it. Your partner is actually quite a creative person, as you'll find if you can greet their ideas with respect rather than anxiety. Rather than trying to control the ways in which they perceive the world and interact with it, you should try to learn something from this unique perspective of theirs. If you do try to exert logic and control over them, you'll just find that they slip through your grasp anyway; but if you simply do the work of being yourself and allow them to be the person that they are as well, you'll find that you're both able to blend your styles and learn from each other. The best that can come from this connection will be an increased sense of creativity on your side, and a greater understanding of practical matters on your partner's.",
		"You tried to rely on this person in another lifetime, and they let you down in a big way. Whether they were your lover, your parent or your fellow warrior, when you needed them most, they weren't there for you, and that experience left a scar on your soul. In this life, your subconscious mind remembers that experience, and it will do anything to prevent the same thing from happening again.",
		"Especially if you've conducted your life in a somewhat haphazard way, this relationship could help you to focus on your path and become more settled within yourself. Your contribution to the relationship will be one of energy and spirit, which will help your partner stay lighthearted instead of getting bogged down in the minutiae of everyday life. Good communication between you will help you both to keep moving forward and stay on track in your lives, moving steadily toward your goals. This aspect will also help in terms of building an enduring relationship that is lastingly beneficial for both of you. With a bond like this one, in fact, you could just as easily go into business together as keep this a purely romantic relationship, because it helps you work harder and more efficiently, as a team, and stay focused on the task at hand.",
		"While your bond with this person will be strengthened by a powerful and enduring past-life connection that you share, it won't make for a fun, romantic affair. There's a good chance that if you become romantically involved, it will last long-term; after all, you're coming from a relationship in another lifetime that persevered through hard times as well as good ones, and has extended to the present life. A sense of mutual responsibility will pervade your connection now, as a result of this past-life relationship, and you'll both sense this from the start."
var api = 'karma_destiny_report/tropical';
var userId = '<Your User Id>';
var apiKey = '<Your Api Key>';
var language = '<Your Language>' // By default it is set to en
var data = {
  p_day: 6,
  p_month: 1,
  p_year: 2000,
  p_hour: 7,
  p_min: 45,
  p_lat: 19.132,
  p_lon: 72.342,
  p_tzone: 5.5,
  s_day: 6,
  s_month: 1,
  s_year: 2000,
  s_hour: 7,
  s_min: 45,
  s_lat: 19.132,
  s_lon: 72.342,
  s_tzone: 5.5,

var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(userId + ":" + apiKey).toString("base64");

var request = $.ajax({
url: ""+api,
method: "POST",
headers: {
    "authorization": auth,
    "Accept-Language": language

request.then( function(resp){
}, function(err){