Indian Astrology

Kal Sarpa Dosha/kalsarpa_details

The kalsarpa_details API provides information about the presence and type of KalSarpa Dosha in a horoscope and its effects. The response includes details such as the type of KalSarpa Dosha present, the house in which it is located, and its effects on various aspects of the native's life such as belief in religion, hurdles in life, career, foreign travel, health, family, and legal matters.

API Endpoint : kalsarpa_details
Method : POST
Full URL :

Request Data

ParamsData typeDescriptions

day required

month required

year required

hour required

min required

lat required

lon required

tzone required









date of birth, eg: 10

month of birth, eg: 5

year of birth, eg: 1990

hour, eg: 19

minute, eg: 55

latitude, eg: 19.2056

longitude, eg: 25.2056

timezone, eg: 5.5

Response Data

	"present": true,
	"type": "Full Ascending",
	"one_line": "You have ascending kalsarpa dosha direction, which is treated as powerful. The KalSarpa Dosha is having full effect in your horoscope.",
	"name": "Ghatak",
	"report": {
		"house_id": 10,
		"report": "<p>In your horoscope the Ghaatak Kaal Sarp Yog is present. Due to this reason the native lives away from his parents since birth. The native does not get the bliss of parents. The native suffers due to the separation from grandfather/grandmother (paternal or maternal). The married life is painful and disturbed. The children of the native may remain ill causing anxiety and loss to him. The family life remains disturbed; peace and happiness remain absent. His near relatives do not regard him in high esteem.</p>\n\n<p>There are hurdles in life and native has to struggle for moving ahead. The native could suffer due to suspension in job. In spite of hard work the native does not get good results in his business or job. The native may have conflicts with partners in business or there may be loss in partnership.</p>\n\n<p>The enemies of the native hatch conspiracies against him and try to cause harm. The friends of the native try to deceive him again and again. Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from state and has differences with government officials. The position of the native is like a king sometimes or like a pauper sometimes.</p>\n\n<p>Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from diseases or injury that cause loss of money and the native may suffer due to debts. The worries and mental unrest do not leave the native due to one reason or other. However the native also gets a miraculous time in life when he gets acclaim.</p>"
var api = 'kalsarpa_details';
var userId = '<Your User Id>';
var apiKey = '<Your Api Key>';
var language = '<Your Language>' // By default it is set to en
var data = {
  day: 6,
  month: 1,
  year: 2000,
  hour: 7,
  min: 45,
  lat: 19.132,
  lon: 72.342,
  tzone: 5.5,

var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(userId + ":" + apiKey).toString("base64");

var request = $.ajax({
url: ""+api,
method: "POST",
headers: {
    "authorization": auth,
    "Accept-Language": language 

request.then( function(resp){
}, function(err){