Indian Astrology

Match Manglik Report/match_manglik_report

The match_manglik_report API provides information about mangal dosha in a person's horoscope. The response includes details on the presence or absence of mangal dosha, the percentage of its impact, cancellation rules, and recommended remedies. The conclusion section provides a recommendation on whether the match is suitable based on the mangal dosha analysis.

API Endpoint : match_manglik_report
Method : POST
Full URL :

Request Data

ParamsData typeDescriptions

m_day required

m_month required

m_year required

m_hour required

m_min required

m_lat required

m_lon required

m_tzone required

f_day required

f_month required

f_year required

f_hour required

f_min required

f_lat required

f_lon required

f_tzone required

















eg: 10

eg: 5

eg: 1990

eg: 11

eg: 55

eg: 19.2056

eg: 25.2056

eg: 5.5

eg: 10

eg: 5

eg: 1990

eg: 11

eg: 55

eg: 19.2056

eg: 25.2056

eg: 5.5

Response Data

	"male": {
		"manglik_present_rule": {
			"based_on_aspect": [
				"Fourth house of your birth chart is aspected by KETU",
				"Twelfth house of your birth chart is aspected by KETU.",
				"RAHU is aspecting eighth house of your birth chart.",
				"MARS is aspecting second house of your birth chart.",
				"KETU is aspecting second house of your birth chart.",
				"Your first house in birth chart is aspected by planet SUN.",
				"Your first house in birth chart is aspected by planet SATURN."
			"based_on_house": [
				"Planet Rahu is situated in SECOND house in your birth chart.",
				"Planet Saturn is in FOURTH house in your horoscope.",
				"Planet Sun is situated in SEVENTH house in your birth chart.",
				"EIGHTH house is occupied by planet Mars in your birth chart.",
				"Planet Ketu is situated in EIGHTH house in your birth chart."
		"manglik_cancel_rule": [
			"Mars mangalik dosha is get cancelled because Mars is situated in Eighth house with Pisces"
		"is_mars_manglik_cancelled": true,
		"manglik_status": "LESS_EFFECTIVE",
		"percentage_manglik_present": 23.5,
		"percentage_manglik_after_cancellation": 18.5,
		"manglik_report": "The manglik dosha is present in your horoscope, however it is less effective. With some remedies related to mangalik dosha this can be reduced further.",
		"is_present": false
	"female": {
		"manglik_present_rule": {
			"based_on_aspect": [
				"Fourth house of your birth chart is aspected by KETU",
				"Twelfth house of your birth chart is aspected by KETU.",
				"RAHU is aspecting eighth house of your birth chart.",
				"MARS is aspecting second house of your birth chart.",
				"KETU is aspecting second house of your birth chart.",
				"Your first house in birth chart is aspected by planet SUN.",
				"Your first house in birth chart is aspected by planet SATURN."
			"based_on_house": [
				"Planet Rahu is situated in SECOND house in your birth chart.",
				"Planet Saturn is in FOURTH house in your horoscope.",
				"Planet Sun is situated in SEVENTH house in your birth chart.",
				"EIGHTH house is occupied by planet Mars in your birth chart.",
				"Planet Ketu is situated in EIGHTH house in your birth chart."
		"manglik_cancel_rule": [
			"Mars mangalik dosha is get cancelled because Mars is situated in Eighth house with Pisces"
		"is_mars_manglik_cancelled": true,
		"manglik_status": "LESS_EFFECTIVE",
		"percentage_manglik_present": 23.5,
		"percentage_manglik_after_cancellation": 18.5,
		"manglik_report": "The manglik dosha is present in your horoscope, however it is less effective. With some remedies related to mangalik dosha this can be reduced further.",
		"is_present": false
	"conclusion": {
		"match": true,
		"report": "The boy is not a Manglik; nor is the girl a Manglik. Mangal Dosha being absent in either horoscopes, there shall be no ill effect on their marriage. This match is recommended."
var api = 'match_manglik_report';
var userId = '<Your User Id>';
var apiKey = '<Your Api Key>';
var language = '<Your Language>' // By default it is set to en
var data = {
  day: 6,
  month: 1,
  year: 2000,
  hour: 7,
  min: 45,
  lat: 19.132,
  lon: 72.342,
  tzone: 5.5,

var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(userId + ":" + apiKey).toString("base64");

var request = $.ajax({
url: ""+api,
method: "POST",
headers: {
    "authorization": auth,
    "Accept-Language": language 

request.then( function(resp){
}, function(err){